The Dentist From a Child' Point of View

Are You At Risk For Gum Disease? Learn More About Gingivitis And Periodontitis

Gum disease is a common affliction in many adults, being one the greatest causes of tooth loss there is. Many people have gum disease and are unaware of it because it can be painless in its early stages. Gingivitis is gum disease in its early stages and periodontitis describes gum disease once it has become advanced. Find out if you are at higher risk of developing gum disease.

Tobacco Use Greatly Increases Your Chances

Smoking has been found to increase your chances of poor oral health, especially when it comes to gum disease. Gum disease is caused by a bacterial infection of the gum tissue. The plaque on your teeth is where the bacteria that start gum disease comes from. In smokers, the plaque hardens on teeth more easily, making it harder to remove when you brush. The longer plaque remains on your teeth, the closer it is to the gum line and the greater your chances of bacterial infection. Smoking also decreases saliva in your mouth. Saliva normally helps to wash away bacteria and debris in your mouth that can harm your teeth and gums. If you chew tobacco, the risks are the same as smoking for developing gum disease.

Disease Can Be The Reason You Develop Gum Disease

Some medical conditions like diabetes can increase the chances of you developing gum disease. People with diabetes have been found to have slower wound healing when teeth are pulled and they have higher incidents of gum disease. Diabetes causes your chances of contracting infections to be higher. Bone loss is greater in people that suffer with diabetes, a factor in oral health that speeds up the development of gum disease. If you are diabetic, maintaining regular dental visits is vital to avoid the progression of gum disease.

Medications And Your Risk Of Gum Disease

Bear in mind that the presence of plaque on your teeth is the greatest cause of the bacteria that leads to gingivitis. However, some medications, like those prescribed for high blood pressure, can cause your risk of gum disease to be much higher. Calcium channel blockers prescribed by your doctor for controlling high blood pressure can cause the gum tissue to become thicker. The more gum tissue growth you experience, the harder it is to clean your teeth and the more tissue there is exposed to the bacteria in plaque. If you take medications to control high blood pressure, discuss with your dentist about how you can avoid the development of gum disease.

Taking steps to prevent gum disease is the best way to avoid gum disease treatment. If you have noticed your gums are swollen or you find they bleed easily when you brush your teeth, visit your dentist for making sure you are not experiencing the early stages of gum disease. To find out more, speak with a business like Neu Family Dental Center.
