The Dentist From a Child' Point of View

Addressing Some Common Concerns About Dental Implants

Correcting a smile that has been compromised due to tooth loss can be an important goal for many dental patients. However, it can be common for these dental patients to be poorly informed when it comes to the options for restoring a smile that is missing one or more teeth. More precisely, dental implants can be a highly effective solution, and having a few questions answered should give you more of the insight that you will need to make informed dental decisions for your smile.  

How Do You Clean A Newly Installed Implant?

After your implant has been installed, it is critical for you to make sure that you are keeping the site of the implant as clean as possible. If you make the mistake of failing to properly clean the newly installed implant, you may be more likely to suffer an infection. To help keep the surgical site clean, your dentist will likely issue you a prescription-strength mouthwash. You will need to be gentle when brushing the site to avoid damaging the healing gums. Fortunately, your dentist will review the steps for safely brushing at the conclusion of the procedure.

What Secures The Dental Implant In Place?

One of the great advantages of dental implants is that they will fully bond with the bone in the jaw, which provides a secure and stable foundation for the implant. In addition to securing the implant, this will help to ensure the implant is providing the support that the jaw needs to avoid gradually eroding and atrophying. Implants help provide this benefit by filling the void that is left by the tooth's root.

Unfortunately, this bonding process can be rather lengthy, and the permanent artificial tooth will not be able to be installed until this process has fully completed. Over the course of the bonding process, you will need to return to the dentist so that they can monitor the bonding process to ensure the artificial tooth is installed as soon as the implant is ready.

Will Your Implant Be At Risk Of Failing In The Future?

Unfortunately, there are some people that may make the mistake of avoiding dental implants because they are concerned about the risk of the implant failing or being rejected by the body. Luckily, these are not common problems that you should expect to encounter. However, it is still important for you to follow sound maintenance and care to ensure that the odds of these issues arising are as low as possible. If you ever notice that your implant is feeling loose, you will need to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. It may be possible for the implant to be adjusted to help secure it into place. Visit for more information.   
