Could Your Dentist Help With Your Snoring?
You may think that snoring is a problem you need to see doctors for help. This isn't necessarily true. In fact, your dentist may be the professional who really has the answers. This is because some snoring can be linked to your teeth and your mouth. In fact, here's how your dentist could help with your snoring.
Is Your Snoring a Symptom?
Snoring occurs because the muscles around your mouth and airways become more relaxed while you sleep. They can flap against the air as it moves in and out of your body, causing vibrations and sounds.
Sometimes, snoring is a symptom of a more serious problem: sleep apnea. Eighteen million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. To make matters worse, this condition increases your risk of a stroke. Fortunately, your dentist can help once you've been diagnosed. If you haven't been diagnosed, your dentist can help with that too.
How Can Dentists Really Help?
When you describe your symptoms at your next dental visit, your dentist may be able to recommend ways to get yourself officially diagnosed. He or she will also be able to help with treatment options to stop you suffering from sleep apnea.
Most patients will find that their tongues fall backwards during their sleep, blocking their airways. Dentists can prescribe and fit devices that old the tongue forward while you sleep, preventing the condition and reducing the symptom of snoring.
One of these devices is called the mandibular, which lowers the jaw forward and down, and looks very much like a mouth guard. It keeps the airways open while you sleep. Other treatments can involve devices being screwed into the teeth to open the airways.
Are Dental Treatments Effective?
There are various treatments available to help cure sleep apnea, but dental ones are among the most effective. This is because they are made to fit a patient's mouth and work by keeping the airways open. The reason for the symptom is treated, rather than just treating the symptom, which some methods will do.
What About When Snoring Isn't Due to Sleep Apnea?
Not all snorers will be suffers of sleep apnea. When this is the case, dentists will be able to discuss your sleeping patterns and explain the likely reasons for your symptom. This will help you find natural ways to prevent snoring and discuss the various devices available. Some of these problems include teeth grinding and clenching during the night.
Dentists are experts in anything to do with your oral health, not just your teeth and gum health. It's time to discuss your snoring with your dentist (like those at Family First Dentistry LLC) to help get to the root of the problem. He or she can help, regardless of the reason.